Check Status of a Patient

 When viewing your patients there will be a column called Status.  A Status is the current status of the patient's study.  Below is a key for a list of common statuses.

Ordered Referral has been received is pending to be scheduling
Scheduled The study has been scheduled
Confirmed Called patient 24 hours before their date of service to confirm their appointment
Showed Currently at the facility to be scanned
Arrived Currently at the facility to be scanned
No Show Did not show and did not call to cancel
Couldn't Schedule Unable to schedule patient or get in contact with them
Canceled The study has been canceled
Verified A study reaches this status value once a technologist has reviewed the study and performed the necessary changes, signifying it is ready to be read
Read A radiologist has read the study and created a dictation
Dictated The radiologist has dictated their findings

Transcriptionist has transcribed the dictation for the report

Signed The final report has been signed and attached to the study and is available to view/download